James Selover


Carlsbad, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Did your parents/ grandparents live in Milltown? If so, what were their names?
My Grandfather,jerome Riou came to Milltown with his wife, mother-in-law and my mother Louise.He was killed in WWI fighting for the French army. My stepdad was James V.
Selover whose family came early to Milltown and the area.
About Me:- Tell us about yourself
I attended grammar school in Milltown, high school in New Brunswick, college at Rutgers and later my PhD from Stanford.
Most of my adult life has been in California.
What is your interest in Milltown history?
genealogy research

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  • Richard Jacques


    Do your genealogical interests cover Riou, Selover or both? I also am interested in Milltown genealogly - mostly the Kuhlthau line. I know that Gail Selover married an E Alton Dunn, son of Evelyn Kuhlthau and Everett Dunn, but that's the only imeddiate link I see between Selover/Kuhlthau. There's probably more though since Selovers were in Middlesex county since before 1800 and the Kuhlthaus hit Milltown in force by 1853.

    Rich Jacques
  • Richard Jacques

    And also, my mother is Tess (Joan) Dickinson. She still lives in Milltown.

    RIch Jacques
  • Richard Jacques

    Hazel was the great granddaughter of Conrad Kuhlthau, Phillip's older brother. Phillip came to Milltown first, then, Conrad, and in 1853 their parents and the rest of the children. All told Johann Heinrich Kuhlthau and Anna Barbara Lins had 11 children, 9 of whom raised families in and around Milltown. I would be interested in a copy of that book. My email is BransonIL@aol.com

    Rich Jacques