Edward J. Dailey


Milltown, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

South Brunswick, NJ
Did your parents/ grandparents live in Milltown? If so, what were their names?
About Me:- Tell us about yourself
I teach American history at the secondary level and am currently working on another history degree. My wife and I have new born twins and are very excited about raising them here in Milltown. I wish I had more time to explore Milltown's history; this site is much appreciated!
What is your interest in Milltown history?
Everything really, but specifically I'm interested in the other side of town, closer to Ryders Lane, where my house is. I have been told by neighbors that my home was one of the first on or near Washington Ave. and was originally a farmhouse. I'm currently trying to piece together its history by looking at census records and collecting the artifacts that I find within and outside the house.

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