Kathy Heilman


Milltown, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:- Tell us about yourself
Born in Pennsylvania, lived in Sommerville, NJ as a young child, then Chicago and settled in East Brunswick. Many of my family members are interested in antiques, family geneology, and history so I have been thinking in these terms for most of my life. Personally I now gravitate to mid-century design but also appreciate other styles and periods as well.
What is your interest in Milltown history?
I am interested in historic architecture and historic industry so I am drawn to Milltown's past including all of the factories like Michelin, the Russell Playing Card Company, the Meyer Rubber Factory, the Rinky Dink, and others that continue to emerge. I am happy to be serving as the newly elected President of the Milltown Historic Society and am having fun working on a formal inventory of the town's collections.

If you would like to make a donation or have pictures that the Historical Society can copy and return please contact me.

Happy exploring!


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  • Barbara Wright

    Cool new pictures Kathy. Who took the pictures and how did you get into the site?
  • Debora Acierno

    Kathy these are great pictures, are the pictures from the bank taken on the Forney House? Deb
  • Kristine Marie Kuhlthau

    Oh great, so nice to meet you! My dad was so into this and he told me a lot about Milltown, so now it's hard because I can't ask him anymore. I want to learn more about the history. Thank you for emailing me back.