Jennifer Chico


East Brunswick, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

East Brunswick
Did your parents/ grandparents live in Milltown? If so, what were their names?
No, but i have friends that do
About Me:- Tell us about yourself
I am 21 years old and I'm a college student at Rutgers University. I'm in my senior year and I am studying to be a special education teacher.
What is your interest in Milltown history?
I am a history major and for my final paper, I need to research a town in Jersey during the Great Depression. I feel that Milltown would be a great place to research cause it seems to have had so much history. If anyone would like to help me out let me know :) thanks

Comment Wall:

  • Barbara Wright

    Sure Jennifer, we can be a reference resource for you. You can contact any of us for information, and come to our meetings to speak with our members in person. We meet at the museum annex building (the back one) on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Its next to the firehouse on Main St. across from the taxidermy shop. Milltown Library also has a good collection of information about the town.
  • Jennifer Chico

    Thanks so much! Are you guys meeting next TueSday Oct. 17th? I would love to come.