Milltown History

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I found this article - while I was looking for something else - about a brutal murder in front of the Michelin Plant. Interestingly enough, this is the second brutal crime I found that happened at the plant. I know it's not a pleasant piece of Milltown history, but I thought I'd pass it along. Has anyone heard of this crime before?

"Jilted Lover Kills Woman Who Would Not Wed Him, Shoots Man and Eludes Officer in Pursuit."

(article continues)

Views: 150

Comment by Kathy Heilman on November 27, 2010 at 12:16am
That is pretty interesting. I had not heard of that before. The paper looks like a good source of info. Are they available on line or did you go the library to look at them?


Comment by Edward J. Dailey on November 27, 2010 at 12:27am
I found the paper here through the New Brunswick library web site. It is really something I wish I didn't find.

Comment by Edward J. Dailey on November 27, 2010 at 12:13pm
Here's another murder, this one from 1872. The article contains some familiar Milltown names such as Kuhlthau and Kohlepp.
Comment by Barbara Wright on November 28, 2010 at 12:09am
That's a fascinating story. I never heard it before. How did you happen to find it?
Comment by Barbara Wright on November 28, 2010 at 10:42am
Wow, Edward. Those are some stories. Certainly some dark episodes in our town's history. Thanks for sharing how you found them. What a great resource the online newspaper archive is!


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