Milltown History

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Kuhlthau family genealogy in photo collection

Many visitors to this website have a connection to the family of Philip Kuhlthau, the first of the German farmers from Oberzell, Germany to emigrate to Milltown. If you, you may be interested in some photographs of people who could possibly be your ancestors, and who might even be you!

Views: 509

Comment by Valerie Noe on December 14, 2015 at 5:00pm

On Sunday December 13 2016, Joan (Tessy) Dickerson/Jacques wife of Robert Jacques, mother of Richard, Jimmy and Joanne Jacques,died. She was a life long resident of Milltown. Her mother was a Kuhlthau a descendant of Philip Kuhlthau. 

Comment by Richard Jacques on December 16, 2015 at 11:48am

Mom was a descendant of Conrad Kuhlthau, Phillips older brother. He was married to Magdelena Junker. Their son William Henry Kuhlthau married Caroline Magdelena Fuch. Their daughter, Anna Elise Kuhlthau was the youngest of eight children, and my grandmother.  Also, my sister's name is Jo. Ann is her middle name.

Comment by Richard Jacques on December 16, 2015 at 1:29pm

.Regarding Phillip Kuhlthau - he was one of the Kuhlthau family who didn't farm, at least not for long. He came over in the late 1840's. His brother Conrad came over in 1851. By 1860 they were both married, grocers and both growing families were living at the store. Between the two of them they had 11 children who reached adulthood and married.  Their parents, Johann and  Barbara and the remaining nine siblings (one born at sea) came over in 1853. With all the begatting going on something had to give. Phillip worked the store and eventually the post office until his death. By 1870 Conrad was a farmer. Sometime after 1880 brother William became a farmer. I believe they supplied the store. When Phillip died in 1890, and his son Phillip died 3 months later, the store (and the post office} ended up with Conrad's son William Henry.

Apparently the General Store and the Post Office were the same place back then because William Henry also became Postmaster.  My mother lived in that building until William Henry died in 1939. It was a big 15 room building 1 or 2 lots uphill (south) of St.Paul on Main St, on the west side.

At least that's how I'm remembering the stories this week. Most of it's backed up by documents


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